Our artists

Isabelle Lefrancois - Photographer
I am passionate about life and all its wonders. Photography is my way of giving thanks to the beauties of nature since they are so precious to me. For a moment, it allows me to stop and live in the moment. I like adventure travel to discover the most beautiful treasures in the world. I wish that through my photos you can see the beauties of our planet, as I perceive them, with the eyes of my soul!
​With ease!
Manon Petit - Painter
I am Manon Petit and I am a painter of abstract and modern art. I have been painting for more than 20 years already. I am self-taught and I let myself be inspired by the present moment.
Join her on her You Tube channel: Manon Petit Art
Manon Potvin - Digital Artisan
Kikou I am Manon Potvin. I love creating images for Diamonds painting canvases. I am passionate about all things crafts and creative hobbies.